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KYCEC Outstanding Paraeducator Award

KYCEC recognizes the essential role that paraeducators play in providing key support to teachers, aiding in student learning, and helping classrooms to be more inclusive. This award is intended to honor Kentucky paraeducators who are currently involved in direct or related services to students with disabilities and provide exemplary service to students and special educators.

June 30, 2024
Award type:
Presented by:

Award Details:

KYCEC recognizes the essential role that paraeducators play in providing key support to teachers, aiding in student learning, and helping classrooms to be more inclusive. This award is intended to honor Kentucky paraeducators who are currently involved in direct or related services to students with disabilities and provide exemplary service to students and special educators.

The KYCEC Outstanding Paraeducator Award recipient(s) must: 

  • be nominated by a current CEC member at the time of nomination;
  • be currently involved in direct or related services to students with disabilities and/or gifts and talents;
  • demonstrate CEC’s core values: 
    • Visionary Thinking: Demonstrated by forward-thinking and courageous decision-making dedicated to excellence and influence in an evolving environment.
    • Integrity: Demonstrated by ethical, responsive behavior; transparency; and accountability.
    • Inclusiveness: Demonstrated by a commitment to diversity, caring, and respect for the dignity and worth of all individuals.

Criteria for the award are outlined by six standards identified from the National Resource Center for Paraprofessionals Model and include assisting teachers with: 

  • building and maintaining effective instructional teams, 
  • maintaining learner-centered supportive environments, 
  • planning and organizing learning experiences, 
  • engaging students in learning, 
  • instruction, 
  • assessing learner needs, progress, and achievement,

as well as meeting standards of professional and ethical conduct.    

  • Nominations must be made by a current member of KYCEC who is currently, or has, been employed in the field of education/special education that has direct knowledge of the nominee’s work supporting students and teachers, as described above.
  • Self-nominations are not accepted.
  • Supporting materials can be uploaded into the online nomination form as PDF (strongly preferred), doc, docx files or video link. If you are unable to upload any documents, please email them to
  • Please use file name(s) to clearly indicate reference to the nominee and award. 
  • (e.g., “Smith_Paraeducator_Award.docx” or “Smith_Paraeducator_Nomination.docx”).
  • All materials become the property of KYCEC and will not be returned.


Required Materials 

  • One letter or video of nomination from a colleague, supervisor, or other professional addressing the nominee’s efforts in meeting the award criteria. 
    • Letter word limit: 500 words
    • Video time limit: 3.5 minutes
  • At least one additional letter or video of support from a colleague, supervisor, or other professional addressing the nominee’s efforts in meeting the award criteria.
    • Letter word limit: 250 words
    • Video time limit: 2 minutes


Selection Considerations 

The KYCEC Awards Committee has the authority to give up to three Outstanding Paraeducator Awards or opt not to grant the award in any given year. 


Recipient Recognition and Benefits

The award recipient(s) will be:  

  • provided with complimentary registration to attend the Kentucky Exceptional Children’s Conference.
  • recognized, and receive a commemorative award at the General Session of the Kentucky Exceptional Children’s Conference.
  • featured in the KYCEC Spring Newsletter, social media, and KYCEC website.


Deadline to nominate: June 30, 2024


Please direct any questions to  or Cain Alvey at


Link to Nomination Form  

Last Updated:  10 March, 2024

© 2024 Council for Exceptional Children (CEC). All rights reserved.